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Q & A
Here we're gonna publish questions for YFJ to ANSWER - and the

This is by far the most chaotic interview we've done so far, out of the two interviews we've done. How come? we hear you ask. Well, first of all it might be three interviews, we don't know. We can't tell. Let's just say this interview with AJ is the second set of questions we have requested YFJ to answer. Secondly, it turned out that AJ was actually Jude. How did that happen? Here's the conversation I had with YFJ in before I did the interview with "AJ":
AJ was complaining that they really wanted to be in an interview with you guys so can you just like, ask them some questions or whatever so they can stop bothering me?
- Jude & Arun
That's it. That was the whole conversation. At least from their side. So the guys are weird, but as I've said before: If Creativity was a god, it surely would be a very weird one. Thankfully, also AJ answered the questions (a couple of weeks later)! So there you go: two sets of questions, but somehow three interviews.
Oh, and finding pictures of them aren't easy, hence the very punk-like lay-out.
Happy reading!
1. Our impression is that while Jude is a little bit wild, with wild ideas almost impossible to materlialize, you are more like the person who finds the most reasonable solution to make Jude's wild ideas materialize. Is that a fair assumption?
Jude: I don't really consider myself the wild one, but I can see why some people think that. AJ definetely plays the straight man when it comes to actually recording our stuff. Our songwriting process is mainly I write like half a song and AJ looks at it and just makes something up (i.e., a vocal melody, chords, etc.) and we just go with it.
AJ: Yes. Once in a while I will go a little crazy with ideas but I'm usually the sensible one.
4. What would be a dream fanzine, magazine, blog etc. to get praise from? (For instance: Pitchfork, The Wire, Absolutely Zippo.)
Jude: Hmmm that's a hard one. Probably The Needle Drop. I take it if [Anthony] Fantano ever covers us, he's gonna be pretty critical.
AJ: Probrobly The Week because a lot of my family and friends read it.
2. You guys are very young. When was the first time you thought: "Hey, this song I'm making has actually some real quality in it"?
Jude: Probably very recently when we were recording "Let Loose". It might be my favorite song we've ever done so far.
3. Have any music journalists or bloggers written about Your Friend Jambi?
Jude: Unless you count yourself, then no.
AJ: Nope. I wish. But we may have a gig with my cousin JB Strauss. You may know him. [We don't - YFJFN]

A:J The first time was probably when Impossible Dumplings came together and we made the song "Bacteria"
5. What is your favourite instrument and why is that your favourite instrument?
6. You dress really cool. Do you like fashion? If so, how did you get into fashion?
I asked Jude why the two last questions weren't answered and I got the following reponse:
Jude: I didnt answer those because they were specific to AJ and I didnt feel like answering them.
However, AJ answered them!
AJ: Piano or drums, I don't know why.
AJ: I could care less about fashion. [Whaat! - YFJFN]
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